
I'm Matteo.
I build user-friendly and useful websites.

I’m Matteo, passionate about digital and web, I recently achieved an Open Degree at the Open University focused on Web Development.
As a kid my love for computers started with NES and a really slow desktop computer with which I could surf the web, chat and build the very first free websites.
While I studied to became a manufacturing engineer, I programmed CNC machinery with a really old G-Code and at the same time I learned how to draw mechanical parts on AutoCAD.
Later on my passion for music lead me to learn Photoshop to design website graphics and to build websites in Blogspot and WordPress or customise CSS and HTML of MySpace and to manage web content for a radio station.
I continued, and still do, to build WordPress websites for years for small businesses or friends as a side job/hobby.
Finally after years spent working as a mechanic and chef, both careers that I have successfully enjoyed, I decided to go back to university and refine my skills to become a web developer. 
The technology has changed incredibly since I started and it keeps changing, but, as my experiences show, I am not scared of learning new ways of building websites or using new technologies.
I speak English, Italian and Spanish so I can easily build websites in those languages.

“Observe and learn. Day after day. You'll become what you want.”
My Grandad and myself
My Grandad

I Can Help You With

WordPress Website Planning

Around your needs, I plan the website’s wireframe, including colours, fonts and design. Hosting, domain and plugins required.

WordPress Website Development

I am open to develop or re-develop a part or an entire website. Keeping in touch with you to form a winning relationship between customer and developer.

WordPress Website Maintenance

Platforms, content and plugins checked and updates carried out weekly. For your website to be fast, reliable and secure.

Search Engine Optimisation

Set or develop best SEO practices for your website. So that it can rank higher in the search engines result pages.

Security Health Check

Seven points health check for your website to be secure. SSL, Hosting, Back Up, Plugins, 2FA, File Permissions.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics [GA4] set up, to measure your traffic and engagement. Google Tag Manager to tailor precise tags on pages. 


Email me for a consultancy.  I’ll find a solution for your WordPress website.
I don’t have pre-made packages. I love to talk to the client and see their necessities. Message me!

Carbon Footprint

When you load a page on the internet, it creates CO2 emissions. I build webpages keeping low carbon emissions to build a more sustainable web.